Principal: Main Roads of Western Australia
Client: Intelligent Freeways Alliance
Location: Perth, Western Australia
Status: In-Progress
The Smart Freeways project involves using smart technologies to deliver more reliable journeys, a safer driving experience and reduced congestion by way of communicating to drivers through digital overhead signs. To implement these technologies the scope of works will include installing 24 lane use management system gantries, widening on-ramps and installing new barriers and transport services between Warwick Rd and Vincent St on the Mitchell Freeway Southbound. To facilitate the works temporary freeway realignment will take place, creating a 14km work zone.
After months of preliminary works, early 2023 has seen the arrival of a 40 ton drill rig which has begun piling the first gantry. The $140 million Smart Freeway Mitchell Southbound works are jointly funded by the State and Federal Governments. Project completion is scheduled for October 2023.